Flexibility with precision

in logistics

ERP for Logistics: More than Warehouse Management System (WMS) // Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Logistics service providers are confronted with a multitude of requirements. On the one hand, customer requirements must be met and product-specific features must be observed. On the other hand, all process flows have to be designed efficiently with optimum personnel utilization and warehouse utilization. And this quickly and smoothly. In interaction with the other service areas, the GUS-OS Suite offers much more than a warehouse management system.

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GUS-OS Suite Produktbroschüre

Um Effizienzpotenziale weiter auszuschöpfen, sind im Logistiksektor innovative Lösungen im IT-Bereich gefragt. Digitalisierung wird im zunehmenden globalen Wettbewerb zur Trumpfkarte. Zudem müssen Logistikdienstleister laufend unterschiedlichste Hard- und Softwarekomponenten in ihre Unternehmens-IT integrieren.

Die GUS-OS Suite bietet hier umfassende Unterstützung. Erfahren Sie mehr!

Complete scope of services for logistics service providers

With the GUS-OS Logistics Suite, different business areas and strategies in the logistics service industry can be realized. For example, the following structure and process requirements are comprehensively mapped especially for logistics companies:

  • Warehouse Management System (WMS) // Warehouse Management System (WMS)
  • Warehouse organization and management for all common warehouse types (high-bay warehouse, open warehouse, block storage, deep-freeze and quarantine warehouse, bonded warehouse, etc.)
  • Direct control of material flow computers to control the entire conveyor system with stacker cranes, multi-order picking, wrapping machines and label printers
  • Automatic control of customer/product-specific sub-processes
  •  Parallel and multi-level MDE picking
  • Cross-docking
  • Forklift guidance systems
  • Resource planning and activity recording for value-added services
  • Container inventory management and hazardous materials management
  • Replenishment control
  • Customs clearance and returns management
  • Online connection of parcel service providers and freight forwarders, freight cost calculation, track & trace
  • Service accounting
  • Dock and yard management
  • Inventory and warehouse management
  • Tour planning
  • Automated freight cost calculation

The GUS-OS Suite in practice

GROUP7 logo - GUS-OS Suite - GUS ERP

"For us, the solution provided by GUS Group is part of our service offering, which we provide to our customers in a process and quality-oriented manner. In addition to the logistics functionality, we use the GUS-OS Suite above all to communicate with our customers across companies, ensuring real-time transparency and process reliability."

Günther Jocher
Managing Board GROUP7


  • Forklift guidance system
  • Logistics control stations
  • Commissioning, loading, shipping
  • Dangerous Goods Management
  • Logistics key figures

More than a warehouse management system //Warehouse management system (WMS)

The following functional areas are fully integrated and coordinated in our process-oriented modular solution system:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Quality management
  • Finance and Controlling
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Document management including archiving

This enables all other requirements and challenges of corporate management to be addressed beyond the classic logistics tasks. And do so efficiently and effectively.

Further industry solutions

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Look & Feel of our ERP software

Curious about the GUS-OS Suite? In our Look & Feel Video you will get a first insight into the heart of our ERP system and gain valuable impressions about an industry-appropriate use. 

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