The innovative ERP solution

for the dairy industry

ERP for the dairy industry

For the dairy industry, ensuring quality and safety is the key to competitiveness in the global market. Country-specific legal standards and regulations, new requirements for labeling and traceability, and high demands on environmental management must be met.

To ensure food safety, a high level of process transparency, quality and safety must be established along the supply chain. Business processes that are isolated from one another must be connected, production processes optimized, complex product data managed, and compliance checks performed. A suitable ERP system can provide valuable support and is one of the key success factors for all dairies, cheese dairies and other milk-producing or milk-processing companies in an increasingly digital world.

ERP for the Dairy Industry: Our Focus

Almost all dairy farms in Germany are being challenged to use IT systems to map and control business processes that were previously carried out manually on paper or on the basis of simple Excel lists. This is because the complexity that farms have to cope with is increasing. Thus, central process control, supported by modern IT systems, is becoming a decisive success factor for the dairy industry. With the ERP software GUS-OS Suite, you keep an eye on the following industry-specific aspects, among others:

  • Ensure complete traceability
  • Capture of raw materials and raw material management
  • Continuous production without media discontinuity
  • Operational overviews and management reports
  • Flexible interface management via the GUS-OS Digital Hub
  • Adherence to food regulations & compliance rules
  • MHD management, laboratory information
  • Variable product development, R&D and alternative formulations
  • cloud-based service enables external access and
    integration of business partners
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GUS-OS Suite Produktbroschüre

Um den anspruchsvollen Anforderungen im Tagesgeschäft gerecht zu werden, ist in der Milchindustrie eine vorausschauende Unternehmensplanung erforderlich. Schwankende Rohstoff- und Energiepreise müssen bei Bestellungen, Bevorratung, Kalkulation, Produktentwicklung und Produktion antizipiert werden. 

Die GUS-OS Suite macht es möglich. Erfahren Sie mehr!

Mapping of all industry standards and food regulations

The requirements of the Food Information Regulation (LMIV) are met by automated creation of

The requirements for ingredient lists (declaration), including allergen information and nutritional value calculation at product level, are consistently met.

Likewise, with the GUS-OS Suite, compliance with industry standards such as IFS, BRC or the corresponding EU regulations on traceability, food information or packaging is given.

The GUS-OS Suite supports:


The Food Information Regulation governs food labeling in the European Union.


The International Food Standard is a recognized standard for auditing food manufacturers. The focus here is on food safety and quality of processes and products.


The British Retail Consortium defines the set of rules and regulations for suppliers in the food industry that have been established as mandatory by several retail chains.

Look & Feel of our ERP software

Curious about the GUS-OS Suite? In our Look & Feel Video you will get a first insight into the heart of our ERP system and gain valuable impressions about an industry-appropriate use. 

High process and product quality with optimized cost structures

ERP Software Dairy Industry Dairy Production GUS ERP - GUS-OS Suite - GUS ERP

Numerous best practice processes are already included in the GUS-OS Suite and can be configured independently. In addition, many specific industry requirements are available in the standard, such as:

  • Product data management (including declaration with allergens, ingredients and nutritional values)
  • Product development (from the idea to the marketable product)
  • Printout product specification
  • Condition management / settlement with LEH (EDI as well as bonuses, WKZ, discounts, etc.)
  • Mapping of hierarchical customer-orga structures (for prices, listing, invoice lists)
  • Condition agreement with posting of corresponding provisions and triggering of credit notes
  • Multi-level recipe management with version management
  • Recipe costing with flexible contribution margin schemes
  • Packaging version management
  • Supplier evaluation and monitoring of supplier certificates
  • Batch analyses at all stages of production
  • Complete documentation of batch origin and use (with graphic visualization)
  • Identification of countries of origin for delivered batches
  • Integrated corporate planning through synchronization of sales, production, procurement and financial planning

Further industry solutions

You ask - we answer

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for the Dairy Industry is a software solution specifically designed for dairy processing companies such as dairies, cheese factories and other milk producing and processing companies. It enables seamless integration and automation of various business processes such as production operations, production planning, quality control, and distribution while maintaining compliance. ERP software aggregates all relevant data in real time to provide managers with a comprehensive view of their operations. By optimizing processes, ERP helps to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve product quality.

Challenges include potential process complexity, the need for extensive data migration, integration with existing systems, and ensuring smooth system customization and training of employees.

ERP software can optimize production planning by providing real-time data on the availability of raw materials, automatically creating production orders and taking capacity bottlenecks into account to increase the efficiency of production operations. This includes ensuring complete traceability and uncompromising compliance with food-related regulations and requirements.

The GUS-OS Suite is an industry-specific ERP software designed specifically for the requirements of the dairy industry. Unlike conventional ERP systems, it offers customized functions and modules tailored to the specific processes and needs of the dairy industry, such as milk processing management, batch tracking and compliance with relevant food regulations.

The ERP software GUS-OS Suite offers specific functions for the dairy industry:

  • Complete batch origin and where-used list
  • Capture of raw materials and raw material management
  • Continuous production without media discontinuity
  • Operational overviews and management reports
  • Flexible interface management via the GUS-OS Digital Hub
  • Adherence to food regulations & compliance rules
  • MHD management, laboratory information
  • variable product development, R&D and alternative formulations
  • cloud-based service enables external access and integration of business partners

In addition, the CIS-OS Suite supports inventory management, distribution management and provides comprehensive document management to optimize the entire business process in the dairy industry.

The GUS-OS Suite provides full integration and automation of business processes, improved production performance, optimized inventory management, traceability from raw materials to final product, increased supply chain visibility, and the ability to efficiently comply with regulatory and quality standards.

Yes, the GUS-OS Suite also includes financial accounting, cost accounting and controlling modules that enable companies in the dairy industry to efficiently manage their financial data, control costs and make informed decisions. Special functions such as integrated corporate planning and liquidity planning, among others, contribute to this.

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