Partner network: Strong partners
and diverse synergies
Solution Partner

Kendox supports companies in the implementation of digital document and information processes. Kendox develops flexible and user-friendly standard software solutions for document & process management, archiving and digital file solutions.
The Kendox InfoShare product family is fully available for secure and efficient operation as a cloud service "SaaS".

Our partner ecovium is one of the leading solution providers for the areas of shipping logistics, mobile warehouse solutions and foreign trade. On request, the range of services covers the entire demand chain from consulting, delivery and implementation of software and hardware solutions.
CHEMDOX offers an up-to-date software solution that supports you in creating legally sound classifications and classifications as well as safety-related documents.
When finance becomes simple: LucaNet offers user-friendly software and competent consulting for financial performance management. The solutions for consolidation, planning, reporting and data management make the complex work of CFOs, group accountants and in controlling noticeably easier. Something that 3,500 customers in over 50 countries are happy to confirm.
Technology partner
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading global cloud computing provider that delivers diverse cloud services, compute, database storage, content, and business capabilities to enterprises on a highly available, scalable, and cost-effective platform.
Together with IBM, we offer qualified service and full support to our customers who work with systems and databases from IBM.
As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, we recommend the GUS-OS Suite on Windows Server systems and SQL Server as database. Under Windows Azure, we provide our customers with individual cloud offers (private cloud, hybrid) as an alternative to the classic license model.
Since 2002, the Lobster Group has been developing and selling no-code-based software and is one of the leading providers in Europe in the field of seamless data integration (API, EDI, EAI, ETL/ELT, IoT, Industrie 4.0) with the middleware Lobster_data.
CONYU ist ein norddeutscher private Cloud Anbieter und spezialisiert auf regulierte Unternehmen.
Neben dem Betrieb von Softwaresystemen und Support stellt CONYU einen ganzheitlichen Managed Service zur Verfügung, der von Backup, Security, Monitoring und Applikationsadministration bis hin zur Langzeitarchivierung, Softwarevalidierung und der gesamten Dokumentation nach GXP reicht.
Network Partner
ADV Arbeitsgemeinschaft Datenverarbeitung provides members and the public with information on the optimal use of information and communication technologies.
BITKOM represents more than 2,200 companies in the digital economy. Its members include 1,000 SMEs, more than 200 start-ups and almost all global players. Dirk Bingler, spokesman for the management of GUS ERP, is chairman of the Bitkom ERP working group.
With its faculties, Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences has a focus on the fields of business, technology and health. What they all have in common is application-oriented teaching and a high degree of practical relevance, which is also reflected in a wide range of research projects.