With food
Serving markets quickly
ERP for the food industry
As different as the companies in the food and beverage industry are: In order to stand up to competitive pressure and the dynamics of the procurement and sales markets, the business processes must be right. Transparent cost management and high product quality are required.
Hier setzt die GUS-OS Suite an: Ob Milchproduktion, Fleischwaren, Fast Food, Tiefkühlprodukte, Gebäck oder Fruchtsäfte – durch 40 Jahre Projekterfahrung in der Lebensmittelbranche sind zahlreiche Best Practice-Prozesse bereits in der GUS-OS Suite enthalten und können eigenständig konfiguriert werden.
The GUS-OS Suite in practice
„Was die GUS auszeichnet, ist die Menschlichkeit. Für uns war es wichtig, gut eingeschult zu werden, mit einer Firma zusammenzuarbeiten, die menschlich zu uns passt und die Software in unser Unternehmen gut einführen kann.“
Ilan Molcho
Geschäftsführer // NENI am Tisch
- Recipe management
- Recipe calculation
- Food Logistics
- Batch reservation
- Contract management with LEH
High process and product quality with optimized cost structures
Viele spezifische Anforderungen der Lebensmittelindustrie sind bei der GUS-OS Suite im Standard enthalten, wie
- Product passport (including declaration with allergens and ingredients)
- Multi-level recipe management with version management
- Condition management / settlement with LEH (EDI, bonuses, discounts, etc.)
- Product development
- Recipe costing with flexible contribution margin schemes
- Packaging version management
- Batch analyses at all levels
- Batch documentation and multilevel batch origin and destination record
- Integrated corporate planning through synchronization of sales, production, procurement and financial planning
Product brochure
Zur Gewährleistung der Lebensmittelsicherheit ist eine hohe Prozesstransparenz, -qualität und -sicherheit entlang der Supply Chain aufzubauen. Voneinander isolierte Geschäftsprozesse sind zu verbinden, Produktionsabläufe zu optimieren, komplexe Produktdaten zu verwalten und Compliance-Prüfungen durchzuführen. Die GUS-OS Suite macht es möglich. Erfahren Sie mehr!
Mapping of all industry standards and food regulations
The requirements of the LMIV (Food Information Regulation) are consistently fulfilled through the automated creation of ingredient lists (declaration) including allergen information at product level. The GUS-OS Suite also ensures compliance with industry standards such as IFS, BRC or the corresponding EU regulations on traceability, food information or packaging.
Die Lebensmittel-Informationsverordnung regelt in der Europäischen Union die Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln.
Der International Food Standard ist ein anerkannter Standard für die Auditierung von Lebensmittelherstellern. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf Sicherheit und Qualität der Verfahren und Produkte.
Das British Retail Consortium definiert die von mehreren Handelsketten als verbindlich festgelegten Regelwerke für Lieferanten in der Lebensmittelindustrie.
The intelligent ERP system
Hohe Ansprüche an das Umweltmanagement, neue Regularien sowie schwankende Rohstoff- und Energiepreise zählen zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen, die Unternehmen der Lebensmittelindustrie zu meistern haben. Um den anspruchsvollen Anforderungen im Tagesgeschäft gerecht zu werden, ist eine vorausschauende Unternehmensplanung unabdingbar.
Erfahren Sie in dem Whitepaper „Das intelligente ERP-System – Speziell für die Lebensmittelindustrie“, wie ERP-Lösungen umfassende Unterstützung bieten und die Digitalisierung neue Chancen eröffnet.
Smart minds for intelligent solutions in the food industry
Our consultants have in-depth industry and specialist knowledge and, in some cases, many years of management experience in your industry. Our aim is to develop and implement sustainable solutions and improvements for your company. At the same time, we are happy to relieve your IT department and provide assistance with our IT/infrastructure consulting to ensure high performance, scalability and stability in ongoing operations at all times.
Further industry solutions
You ask - we answer
ERP for Food refers to ERP software developed specifically for the food industry that helps companies manage and optimize their business processes from procurement and production to sales and shipping. This also includes the areas of warehousing and materials planning as well as financial accounting and cost accounting.
An ERP system provides production planning and control functions that enable efficient resource planning, optimization of production processes, minimization of inventories and better utilization of production capacities. This leads to improved efficiency and productivity in food production.
The food industry has special requirements for ERP systems, such as batch tracking, traceability, compliance with regulatory requirements (e.g. FDA, GMP, LMIV / HACCP), quality control, document management andd much more.
The GUS-OS Suite offers a wide range of functions that are specifically tailored to the needs of the food industry. These include batch tracing, production planning and control, quality management, compliance support, analysis functions aswell as product data management (with allergen information and nutritional value extrapolation), mapping of complex conditions with the food retail industry (bonuses, WKZ with corresponding credits and provisions) and much more.
The GUS-OS Suite offers improved efficiency, increased batch traceability, better production planning, food compliance, inventory optimization and more.
Through its quality management functions the GUS-OS Suite supports food manufacturers in defining, monitoring and improving quality processes to ensure the quality and safety of their products. Functions such as an integrated LIMS, complaints management and supplier evaluation as well as product development contribute to this.
Through its integrated quality management and compliance functions (e.g. integrated audit manager) the GUS-OS Suite enables food manufacturers to comply with food standards and legal regulations, such as LMIV / HACCP, IFS, BRC or ISO standards.
Look & Feel of our ERP software
Curious about the GUS-OS Suite? In our Look & Feel Video you will get a first insight into the heart of our ERP system and gain valuable impressions about an industry-appropriate use.
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