While demand for chemical products is only growing slowly in Western Europe, demand in emerging markets is growing at an above-average rate. As a result of digitalization and the use of disruptive technologies, import pressure from regions rich in raw materials on basic chemicals and intermediates in the domestic market is increasing, while competition in export markets with local suppliers and other importers is intensifying. International and local competitors are focusing on areas of specialty chemicals that could previously often only be covered by German exports.
High energy prices, ever stricter legal requirements and environmental regulations are forcing sustainability and a reassessment of previous strategies.
Particularly in these challenging times, it is important to review existing practices and identify optimization potential. The use of innovative solutions with an industry focus is crucial for restoring competitive advantages and implementing an efficient and sustainable circular economy.
The choice of a suitable, industry-specialized ERP system is crucial. Industry-specific ERP systems can make a significant contribution to the success of chemical companies by digitizing processes in compliance with guidelines and legal requirements, increasing their efficiency and promoting seamless collaboration and communication.
In our webinar, we will address the current challenges along the industry-specific requirements and demonstrate the core functions of the GUS-OS suite as a suitable ERP system for the chemical industry.
Focal points at a glance
- Current challenges and requirements of the chemical industry
- Data collection and analysis as a basis for optimizing processes
- Linking digital services
- Circular economy in the ERP context
Your added value
- You will learn how you can be supported by an ERP system in line with your industry
- You will gain an insight into digitization practice
- You will receive practical tips on how to deal with the topics of data-based process optimization and circular economy
Organizational details
- Sector: Companies in the chemical industry // Plastics industry
- Target group: Managers in the chemical industry who are not yet using an ERP system or would like to replace their existing solution with a better one.
- Location: virtual/online
- Date and time: November 07, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
- Costs: free of charge
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