natürli zürioberland ag: IT-secured corporate growth

naturli schmal scaled - GUS-OS Suite - GUS ERP

natürli zürioberland ag has been successfully distributing and selling cheese from the Zurich mountains for almost 30 years. The company relies on the GUS-OS Suite to manage its steady growth.


The chance

natürli zürioberland ag takes over tasks such as marketing, distribution or logistics for many small dairies in the Zurich Oberland. With this concept, the company was very quickly successful. But the more the business grew, the greater the demands on the management of the business processes became. The "ERP system" based on Excel and Access, which had been in use for many years and was partly self-created, was no longer able to cope with this complexity in the end. The company was therefore looking for a professional solution geared to medium-sized businesses that was also tailored to the processes of the food industry. On the one hand, it had to be a standard solution that had been established on the market for a long time and offered numerous predefined functions. On the other hand, the provider should offer short and direct communication channels.


IT - rethought

Today, the new ERP solution controls all key business processes - starting with the eight clay stone cellars for cheese ripening, their connection with distribution or the ordering processes for internal sales through to delivery and logistics. Every material movement and every step flows directly into the system. In addition, there are now fixed roles for the individual employees, for example for purchasing or logistics.

Nach einer gründlichen Einführungsphase ging die Lösung live, wobei natürli zürioberland zusammen mit den GUS-Experten vor allem auch auf das Testen fokussierten. Das umfassende Onboarding stellte nicht nur einen reibungslosen Ablauf der Software im Live-Betrieb sicher, sondern machte auf diese Weise auch die Anwender des Systems Schritt für Schritt mit der neuen Software vertraut. Die Einbindung der Fachabteilungen trug auch wesentlich dazu bei, die zuvor unzähligen Einzellösungen und Behelfsmittel im Unternehmen in eine einheitliche Lösung zu überführen.

Our new introduction of the GUS-OS Suite is much more than just a software change. The solution offers the entire company many new possibilities far beyond IT and thus creates the conditions for further growth.

Fit for the future

With the GUS-OS Suite, natürli zürioberland ag benefits above all from the following advantages:

  • Standardized processes and a uniform database throughout the company save a lot of time and redundancies for manual activities. The specialist employees can devote more time to their core tasks.
  • The GUS-OS Suite avoids many errors in the operating process so that, for example, fewer goods have to be written off.
  • Fixed roles for purchasing or logistics, for example, create transparency and enable targeted and data-supported production planning.
  • Today, the company can retrieve/calculate central key figures such as availability, order costs or prices much faster and more reliably.
  • The GUS-OS Suite creates a consistently stringent user interface, which is also fully documented.
  • The GUS-OS Suite provides all the specialist standard functions that natürli zürioberland needs as a food company.
  • The Workflow Designer of the GUS-OS Suite makes it possible to make adjustments to processes and functions without programming knowledge.
  • The GUS-OS Suite provides the necessary IT foundation for the company's growth in the coming years.

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