The intelligent ERP system

The aim of an ERP system is to use existing resources efficiently and optimize processes within the company. Greater efficiency in the management of company processes is essential, especially for SMEs.

The decision to introduce an ERP system therefore requires careful planning and preparation. Industry-specific ERP solutions that are also specialized in the needs of SMEs and have the special functions required are often the right choice. In addition to the partner's industry expertise, communication and cooperation at eye level are also decisive for the success of an ERP project.

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It is also important to consider current challenges such as the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG), IT security and, last but not least, the topic of artificial intelligence. This is because AI can play an important role in the automation of processes in the ERP environment in particular.

Find out more in our white paper "The intelligent ERP system" everything you need to know about ERP solutions specifically for companies in the process industry.

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Die Einführung eines ERP-Systems ist ein umfangreiches Projekt, bei dem es viel zu beachten gibt. Lass uns gemeinsam nach dem besten System für dich suchen. Ich gebe dir gerne Tipps, worauf es ankommt.